Sunday, 28 June 2009

Shortlisting (again!) - 25th June 2009

Here I am back again (!) this time for shortlisting for two support workers. Once again lots of applicants and it took us a few hours to work our way through all the apllicants. Managed to finish by 5.45pm, just in time to rush off to a PTA meeting in Y Pant!

Staff Meeting - 24th June 2009

Back to school this evening to attend a staff meeting as all the staff (teaching and support) are carrying out a self assessment ready for the inspection in December. We worked our way slowly through the various questions - which generated much discussion!

Shortlisting - 24th June 2009

Am going to live in school over the next few weeks!

All morning in school today shortlisting for the School Clerk's job as Mrs Roberts (our very valued clerk) is retiring at the end of term after many loyal years to the school. Lots of applicants!

New Nursery Parent's Evening - 23rd June 2009

Attended the introduction for new nursery parents this evening. Mr Roberts gave a short talk to explain the running of the school and what the new pupils can look foward to on joining the school. Each of the Key Stage 1 staff were introduced and parents were provided with a list of which class their children will attend. The "traditional" 6 week induction into nursery has also been shortened this year, on parents' request. Children will now alternate morning and afternoon over a 2 week period.

Mr Roberts also informed parents that he is to go on secondment to Estyn (starting in January 2010), providing a unique experience for his professional development. I am delighted that he has been offered this opportunity and am sure that he will come back to the school invigourated and with many new ideas. Whilst we shall miss him during his secondment he will leave the school in the very capable hands of Ms S Harwood (current Deputy Head).

The parents finished the evening off with a visit to the Key Stage 1 class rooms.

Full Governors Meeting - 9th June 2009

Another long meeting tonight - they're going to blame bad Chairing!

Discussed a variety of issues, including ratifying the Annual Report to Parents which is due to be distributed in the next week or so. Also set the dates for next years Full Governors meetings. It will be a very busy Autumn term preparing for our Estyn Inspection!

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Wednesday 3 June 2009 - Interviews

Busy afternoon today, interviewing for maternity cover for the infant school. After a few hours, the candidate was appointed and I did a quick dash to my next governor's meeting - this time in Y Pant!

Full governors planned for next Tuesday, so need to make sure I read all the minutes and papers before then.