This is one of my favourite nights in the school calander - where Year 6 present a few musical or drama "numbers ", take part in the Leavers Poem (verses which the children have written themselves) and finally sing a famous song (with appropiate changes in the words to reflect the fact that they are leaving). As usual this Year 6 provided excellent entertainment, with many talents being showcased - many thanks to both Mr Williams & Mrs Davies.
The entertainement was then followed by the Headteacher's presentation, although Mr Williams' attempts to get in every photo continued the entertainment!
It is always a pleasure to watch the children recieve recognition for their hard work, and this year it was particularly pertinent as my youngest son is in Year 6. We are very lucky to have such talented and pleasent children in the school. I wish them every happiness as they move to Y Pant in September, and I'm sure we'll see many of them continue their sucess in their new school.