Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Parent's Information Evening - 1st October 2009

In school tonight (6pm-7.30pm) for the parent's information evening that Mr Roberts had arranged to inform parents of recent developments, update them on Key Stage 1 and 2 results and also to allow individuals to ask any questions of the Head, Senior Management Team and Governors.

Mr Roberts started the evening with an update on Key Stage 1 & 2 performance, illustrating the progress the school has made over the last few years in relation to English, Maths and Science. He stressed that the school's results are very high, compared to the LEA and also our comparative group across the UK. An explaination of extracurricular activities was also provided. Mr Roberts also outlined his plans to further continue to develop the school over the coming year. Finally, the evening ended with a Question and Answer session, in which a number of parents posed questions to the Head and Senior Msanagement Team.

I think the session went very well - it allowed parents the opportunity to be updated with information about how the school has performed and also what is has planned for the coming year. Mr Roberts closed the meeting by informing parents that he plans to hold additional events in the future.